In order to supplement its Indian Health Services (IHS) funds, EAT bills Medicaid, Medicare and private insurance companies for all eligible medical, dental, and substance abuse services that can be reimbursed. If you have “third party” insurance (such as Blue Cross Blue Shield), EAT will bill them for covered services. Funds from third party reimbursements help EAT maintain present services as well as to expand and improve services.
IHS patients do not receive a statement for IHS covered services as these services are pre-paid by the Indian Health Service. Shortly after receiving services at one of our facilities, you will receive your “Personal Account Statement”, this statement is issued at the same time your charges are submitted to your insurance carrier. If you received services at one of EAT’s village clinics, your medical charges are managed through the Patient Accounts Department. You may receive separate bills from other professional service providers involved in your hospital care.
Sliding Fee Discount Program:
EAT serves all patients regardless of inability to pay and offers a sliding discount for certain medical services. The discount is based on family size and income and if qualified, can reduce self-pay amounts owed from 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.
For those who seek treatment at our Community Health Centers, you may qualify for the sliding fee discount based on your family size and income. In order to be considered you must verify your estimated annual income each year. This health discount is available for all residents and non-residents who visit our clinics and is based on your family size and income level.
2024 Sliding Fee Discount Schedule
Payment Contracts:
EAT offers payment contracts for those who cannot fully pay off their self-pay balances within 30 days. To make payment arrangements, please contact Patient Accounts at (907)277.1440.
If You Have Health Insurance
If you have health insurance please be sure to bring a copy of your insurance identification card when you register for services at any of EAT’s clinics.
If You Are Covered by Medicare
EAT will need a copy of your Medicare card to verify your eligibility and to process your Medicare claim. Medicare is a federal program that generally covers those 65 or older, certain people on Social Security disability, and some people with permanent kidney failure. Medicare can provide basic coverage for hospital stays, doctor and laboratory costs, and can include medical equipment and physical therapy.
If you have Medicare Part D (pharmacy coverage), we will also need a copy of the insurance card as that information is not listed on your regular Medicare card. For more information, you can access the Medicare website at
If You Are Covered by Medicaid or Denali KidCare
As with other health coverage we require a copy of your Medicaid card. Medicaid covers low-income and financially needy people, including those over 65 who are also on Medicare. Generally, Medicaid covers services and costs Medicare does not (this might include prescription drugs, diagnostic and preventive care and eyeglasses).
Denali KidCare provides health insurance coverage for children and teens through age 18 (and for pregnant women who meet income guidelines) at no cost. Denali KidCare children and teens receive a full range of prevention and treatment services including: vision exams & eyeglasses, dental checkups, hearing tests, mental health therapy, substance abuse treatment, prescriptions and medical transportation.
Denali KidCare website
If You Have Questions…
Contact EAT’s Billing Department at (907)277.1440 ext. 552. We want to hear from you!